updated:  2022 03. November
published:  2021 25. August

Include Shortcode

Dateien mit Shortcode integrieren.


Gefunden als Theme Geekdoc auf Gohugo Theme.

Anwendung in Markdown

 {{<include file="relative/path/from/hugo/root" type=optional >}}

Optionen für Include-Shortcode

Option Usage
file Path to the included file relative to the Hugo root.
type Special include type (html, txt).


Markdown file (default)

Einfache Markdowndateien mit {{<include>}} einfügen.

 {{<include file="/static/_includes/example.md.part">}}


Example Mardown include

File including a simple Markdown table.

Head 1 Head 2 Head 3
1 2 3

HTML files

HTML content will be filtered by the safeHTML filter and added to the rendered page output.

 {{<include file="/static/include_files/example.html.part" type="html">}}


Example HTML include

This is heading 4

This is heading 5
This is heading 6

Simple Textfile

 {{<include file="/static/include_files/table.csv" type="txt">}}


1/2/09 6:17,1200,Mastercard,carolina,Basildon,England,United Kingdom,1/2/09 6:00,1/2/09 6:08
1/2/09 4:53,1100,Visa,Betina,Parkville,MO,United States,1/2/09 4:42,1/2/09 7:49
1/2/09 13:08,1230,Mastercard,Federica e Andrea,Astoria,OR,United States,1/1/09 16:21,1/3/09 12:32
1/3/09 14:44,1200,Visa,Gouya,Echuca,Victoria,Australia,9/25/05 21:13,1/3/09 14:22
1/4/09 12:56,3600,Visa,Gerd W ,Cahaba Heights,AL,United States,11/15/08 15:47,1/4/09 12:45
1/4/09 13:19,1200,Visa,LAURENCE,Mickleton,NJ,United States,9/24/08 15:19,1/4/09 13:04
1/4/09 20:11,1200,Mastercard,Fleur,Peoria,IL,United States,1/3/09 9:38,1/4/09 19:45
1/5/09 20:09,1200,Mastercard,adam,Martin,TN,United States,1/2/09 17:43,1/4/09 20:01

Stichworte (tags)